I love giving talks, taking part in panels, and presenting at industry events. I’m always open to invitations, so please don’t hesitate to reach out if you think I might be a fit.


Design Principles for AgeTech and Longevity Solutions, June 2024

Event Details

12 Month AI Outlook Webinar, May 2024

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Building bridges between founders, funders, incubators & AgeTech audiences + advocates, April 2024
(event organizer and panelist)

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SXSW Interactive 2022
Be Human: Differentiate Your Product with Service (conference panelist)

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StartUp Boston 2021
Customize to the Customer: Serving Delightful UI in B2B and B2C (conference panelist)

Watch video  →

MITX 2019 Design Tech Summit
Measuring the ROI of Design (conference moderator)

Giant Robots podcast, hosted by Thoughtbot
Lead by Listening (podcast guest)

Listen to the podcast  →

MITX InsideDesign: Under the Hood
(event panelist)

The Makeup of Design Leadership
(conference panelist)

Watch video  →

Talk UX 2018
Problem Definition (conference workshop)

HxRefactored 2017
To Measure Is To Know (conference presentation)

HxRefactored 2015
Designing for the Patient Journey (conference presentation)

I do some writing as well, about product leadership and recently about AgeTech and the Longevity Economy.


All About the Experience: Musings on midlife, AgeTech and the Longevity Economy
Check it out on Substack  →

The Head of Product: An Engineering Leader’s Strongest Ally

How 18 Product Teams Stay True to Their Vision

Want to be given problems to solve instead of solutions to implement?

Decoding Visual Language Elements in News Content


This is a bit of a trip down memory lane, as it dates back to 2002. But, students still find my work and reach out to me about it, so I want to make sure it continues to be available as a reference. Given the importance of media literacy and the prevalence of fake news, it still feels relevant today.